Economic Education Institute

Economic Education Institute

We partner with a network of university and college based Centers for Economic  Education led by Carroll University. The goal is to improve the quality and quantity of economic and financial education in the K-12 school curriculum.

The centers provide:

  • Advice to schools on developing, implementing and evaluating economics and financial literacy in the school curriculum
  • Educator training programs and workshops focusing on specific economic and financial literacy topics and ways to integrate them into the classroom
  • Up-to-date curriculum resource center including elementary and secondary school economics and financial literacy texts and teacher guides


Economics Education Advisors

Carroll University, Waukesha, Dr. Hamid Akbari, Carroll University, School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Dr. Tracy Hofer, UW-Stevens Point, School of Business and Economics

University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Dr. Logan Kelly, UW-River Falls, School of Business and Economics

Dr. Kent Belasco, Marquette University, College of Business Administration

Dr. Adam Hoffer, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, College of Business Administration